divendres, 4 de novembre del 2011

Year 6. Halloween Party!

In Year 6 we celebrated a Halloween party. We talked about Halloween costumes, traditions, games, superstitions, etc. We sang a funny song and we danced a lot. At the end we drank vampire blood and we ate muffins with bat and rat cream. It was a terrific day!!!

3 comentaris:

Cinta Vericat Querol(6èA) ha dit...

I love this day!I got a lot of fun that day was fantastic. Thanksto win this time so get ready.

neus pallares hierro ha dit...

halloween is fantastyc

Maite ha dit...

What a creepy party! I think you enjoyed a lot!!
What a pity!I missed it!
Everybody looks spooky in the photographs!
I love your original, but horrible, halloween glasses!