dijous, 10 de novembre del 2011

Year 5. Letters for Comenius Pupils.

This year we start in our school a new Comenius Project shared with other four European countries: Latvia, Sweden, Portugal and Italy. One of the Comenius activities consits of exchanging letters with other pupils. Here you can see some photos about our children writting their letters.

Year 6. Happy Christmas (War is over). John Lennon

Soon we will celebrate our School Christmas Show. As you know, every year Year 6 pupils sing a Christmas carol. This year the song that we have chosen is Happy Christmas (War is over) by John Lennon. Here you have three different videos to help you to practise the song: one is the song videoclip, the other one is a karaoke version of the song and the third one is about some pupils singing the song.

divendres, 4 de novembre del 2011

Year 6. Halloween Party!

In Year 6 we celebrated a Halloween party. We talked about Halloween costumes, traditions, games, superstitions, etc. We sang a funny song and we danced a lot. At the end we drank vampire blood and we ate muffins with bat and rat cream. It was a terrific day!!!

dimecres, 22 de juny del 2011

Chocolate Milkshake!

In Year 6, the last day of school we cooked a chocolate milkshake in the English class. It was very hot and a cold beverage is always fantastic!!! At the end we wrote the recipe to make it at home during the summer!! It's very easy!!

Ingredients: (for 4 people).
-6 big spoonfuls of chocolate ice-cream.
-6 big spoonfuls of cocoa powder.
-300 ml. of milk.
-a jar.
1. Put the ice-cream in the jar.
2. Add the milk.
3. Add the chocolate powder.
4. Add the sugar.
5. Mix it well using a Turmix.
6. Serve cold.

Letters to Northern Ireland.

In Year 5 we exchange letters with Santa Teresa Primary School in Belfast (Northern Ireland). We've got penpals and we can talk with them about different topics. We learn a lot reading their letters and writing the answers. Here you can see some photogrpahs while witing the letters!

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011

dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011


During this month, pupils have prepared a text in order to read it in front of a camera!! The text was About me!
They read it very well!! Congratulations!!

Group A

Group B

dilluns, 21 de març del 2011


Last week we celebrated Carnival in the English lesson. We talked about famous Carnivals around the world: in Brazil, Venice, Cádiz, Notting Hill...
We sang and danced a Carnival song.
And we made a Carnival drink with orange, apple and pineapple juice; strawberries and bananas. It was delicious!!
Did you enjoy the party?

If you want to download the photographs clic here.

dilluns, 14 de febrer del 2011


Let's do some online activities about jobs!! Click on the next link and have fun!

And now write a comment! Do you like these activities?

dissabte, 12 de febrer del 2011


You can watch our participation in this TV programme by clicking on the next link.
Have fun and write a comment!