dijous, 7 de juny del 2012

Edimburgh Zoo. Presentation for Year 1.

Pupils of Year 5 made a Net Search about the Edimburgh Zoo. They published a dossier to give to Year 1 pupils because these younger pupils visited the Barcelona Zoo. With this dossier they can compare both zoos.

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

Year 5&6. Theatre Play: Freaky

Last Monday 4th June, we went to watch a theatre play in Institut Joaquim Bau. The play was called "Feaky" and talked about two girls and one boy who went to a Summer Camp. There, they had amazing adventures. They danced, sang and played!!!

dimecres, 25 d’abril del 2012


In Year 5, we are doing an Internet search about the Edimburgh Zoo. The aim of this activity is that our children learn how to search for information in websites written in English. Moreover, they will show the information found to Year 1 pupils because these children will go to Barcelona Zoo soon. Year 1 pupils will compare both zoos.

dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2012


Last week, we celebrated Carnival at school with Year 5 pupils. We learnt about how Carnival is in different world countries, we sang and danced Calypso and we prepared a Carnival drink. We had a funny time!!!