dimecres, 22 de juny del 2011

Chocolate Milkshake!

In Year 6, the last day of school we cooked a chocolate milkshake in the English class. It was very hot and a cold beverage is always fantastic!!! At the end we wrote the recipe to make it at home during the summer!! It's very easy!!

Ingredients: (for 4 people).
-6 big spoonfuls of chocolate ice-cream.
-6 big spoonfuls of cocoa powder.
-300 ml. of milk.
-a jar.
1. Put the ice-cream in the jar.
2. Add the milk.
3. Add the chocolate powder.
4. Add the sugar.
5. Mix it well using a Turmix.
6. Serve cold.

Letters to Northern Ireland.

In Year 5 we exchange letters with Santa Teresa Primary School in Belfast (Northern Ireland). We've got penpals and we can talk with them about different topics. We learn a lot reading their letters and writing the answers. Here you can see some photogrpahs while witing the letters!

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011